1. Assemble, adjust, prepare, put on and disassemble scuba equipment.
2. Perform a predive safety check.
3. Demonstrate an appropriate deep-water entry.
4. Performancy a buoyancy check and adjust for proper weighting.
5. Alternately breathe from snorkel and regulator without lifting the face from the water.
6. Descend using the five-point method.
7. Recover and clear a regulator at depth.
8. Remove, replace and clear the mask.
9. Respond to air depletion and secure and breathe from an alternate air source.
10. Ascend properly using an alternate air source and establish buoyancy at the surface.
11. Breathe effectively from a free-flowing regulator for at least 30 seconds.
12. Become neutrally buoyant underwater by pivoting on fin tips.
13. Ascend using the five-point method.
14. Remove, replace, adjust and secure the weight system at the surface.
15. Simulate a controlled emergency swimming ascent by swimming horizontally.
16. Hover using buoyancy control for at least 30 seconds, without kicking or sculling.
17. Swim without a mask for at least 15 metres/50 feet, then replace and clear the mask.
18. Remove, replace, adjust and secure the weight system at the bottom.
19. Remove, replace, adjust and secure the scuba unit at the bottom.
20. Remove, replace, adjust and secure the scuba unit at the surface.